word meaning

英 [wɜːd ˈmiːnɪŋ] 美 [wɜːrd ˈmiːnɪŋ]

网络  词义理解题; 词义; 词的意义; 字义; 意思


  1. Studio Ghibli got its name from an Italian word meaning a hot wind that blows through the Sahara Desert.
  2. The word koala is thought to have come from the Aboriginal word meaning no drink.
  3. For example, are overlaps in word meaning, or lexical gaps, being explored?
  4. The Korean Hanja come from Chinese and many of them preserve their original Chinese word meaning.
  5. Studies on Broadening and Narrowing of Word Meaning from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory
  6. With the question "what is the most difficult to learn, pronunciation, grammatical rules or word meaning?"
  7. This Article from the word meaning rhetoric aspect of advertising English language body are analyzed.
  8. This unit contains word meaning and usage errors that are common in general conversation.
  9. Differences and similarities between English and Chinese word meanings are studied systematically in this paper by analyzing different types of word meaning.
  10. The paper puts forward four methods to understand the word meaning correctly To understand the word meaning by word matching, context clues, grammatical characteristics and extended meaning.
  11. Word meaning construction in English business news: a conceptual metaphor perspective
  12. You also have these people that come to be called the Hasidim, it's on your hand out, that's from a Hebrew word meaning the holy ones or pious ones or something like that.
  13. This paper thus attempts to explore the evolution from the three aspects of the deepening, the scope-changing, and the shift, of word meaning.
  14. Linguistic context and word meaning are indivisible, linguistic context has great effect on word meaning and the understanding of word meaning depends greatly on contextual clues.
  15. THE Chinese consider eight to be a lucky number because it sounds like the word meaning "prosperity".
  16. Canada is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".
  17. As for the relationship between word meaning and its reference, I take the view that they are totally different things.
  18. A Microcosmic Study of the Rules of Word Meaning Derivation and Its Application to L2 Chinese Teaching
  19. The Effects of Different Oral Input Patterns on English Learners 'Word Meaning Acquisition in a Chinese University Classroom Setting
  20. Dorothy@ comes from a word meaning@ gift@.
  21. From the perspective of diction in English writing, the article discusses the confusion of word meaning and over-redundancy caused by negative cultural transfer.
  22. The Influence of Traditional Chinese Thinking Mode on the Development of Chinese Word Meaning and Strategies of TCFL
  23. What is the exact word meaning and essence of "Modernization", public opinions are divergent, academia has so far not consistent view, not everyone accepted definition.
  24. One word meaning "living" in the dictionary?
  25. Otaku is a Japanese word meaning obsessive fan of anything.
  26. This is a Cantonese word meaning as the end of.
  27. Metaphor has obvious semanteme characteristic in word meaning extension it's useful very important.
  28. This influence can be seen from the evolvement of vocabulary and from the discrimination against women in the affiliation of word meaning.
  29. The witticism, as a kind of commonly used humorous language form by the people, has obvious feature of the humorous pragmatic effect through the discord in word meaning and expression form.
  30. The distortion of source word meaning in English to Chinese translation can be divided into two types: the avoidable and the unavoidable.



  1. the accepted meaning of a word

      Synonym:    word senseacceptation